YouTube, Roe v. Wade & Censorship

YouTube has announced that they are going to ban videos on their platform that either promote unsafe abortion practices or misinformation about abortion, according to People Magazine. BTW all abortion practices are unsafe. They all end with the slaughter of an image bearer of God.
Translation: they’re about to ban content that is anti-abortion AND content that teaches abortive women how to abort their babies at home.
Home abortions are becoming more and more common. Chemical DIY abortions are to Planned Parenthood what Uber and Lyft are to the taxicab industry. Women are getting Facetime appointments after ordering the chemicals online, having them shipped by the USPS, and then coached through the process of sacrificing their own son or daughter.
Up to the third trimester. At which point the baby is delivered into a toilet and if not dead, executed by his or her own mother.
Certainly a worthy thing to ban on YouTube. Good on them.
But banning videos that contain “misinformation” will likely include any video which calls abortion what it is—child sacrifice, murder, selfish, heinous. Seeing that YouTube is owned by Google, which has already stated that they will not cooperate with local law enforcement to provide the locations of users who are going to abortion clinics, it is safe to conclude that YouTube will consider any anti-abortion content to be “misinformation.”
Keep in mind that these are the same people who will gladly sell your information to the government for a whole host of reasons. When murder is underway? Not so much.
Let me spell it out for those of you from Rio Linda: big tech hates you and hates anyone who stands for life in the womb.
If only there was a company that is willing to fight big tech, working to build a platform that is counter-cultural, and has already assembled content that punches back—hard?
The only question now is whether investors care half as much about fighting back against this culture as they claim.
Yes, celebrate the overturn of Roe v. Wade. But this fight is not over. We’re all in.
If you care, and are accredited for $500k or more, please fill out our investor form and join us: “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.”
band of brothers.”