Jeremy’s Razors, Jeremy’s Chocolate—Jeremy’s Bibles?

I have an idea for Daily Wire. They've got Jeremy's Chocolate and Jeremy's Razors. They need Jeremy's Bibles!
It would be leather bound, the size of a normal Bible, and filled with blank pages. The title page could say, “By the god-king.”
They could do the Ben Shapiro Version. Old Testament only, with all Messianic prophecies removed. Say shalom to troublesome passages like Isaiah 53, Psalm 22, etc., etc.
They could do the Matt Walsh Version. With the apocrypha and the Book of Romans and Galatians removed. Get the red letter edition: all references to women in red letters.
They could do the Dr Jordan B Peterson version. An abridged edition of the works of Carl Jung.
Imagine the possibilities if The Blaze got in on this.
I’m having a little fun here—isn’t entertainment supposed to be fun?--reminding you that there is no neutrality. Not in entertainment, art or politics. Someone’s worldview is presupposed in all of it. Make sure it’s yours.
Oh. And Daily Wire? You’re welcome. My bill is in the mail.