Jubilation in Desolation
We can have ridiculous, scandalous joy in the middle of turmoil because of the Gospel.

Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
At LOOR, we are optimistic. While the nation is in turmoil, we are able to rejoice in a time of destruction. More than that, we aim to rebuild on the foundation of the smoky ruin that is presently Western civilization.
Pastor Jon Speed, one of the LOOR founders, preached this sermon on December 20th. It's the last sermon in a series from Habakkuk. It's called Jubilation in Desolation and is based on Habakkuk 3:16-19. If you are discouraged in light of the present political situation, be reminded of the hope of the Gospel this Christmas season. We can have ridiculous, scandalous joy in the middle of turmoil because of the Gospel.
Merry Christmas!