Is Bob Iger Stoned?

Bob Iger (Disney's new CEO) said, " of our core values is inclusion, acceptance, and tolerance. And we can’t lose that. We just can’t lose that.”
Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Incoming CEO’s should probably have to pass a drug test at Disney.  

Bob Iger, when asked about Disney’s “progressive” (read, “suicidal”) track over the last few years in an internal Q&A (November 28th) responded with:

  • “This company has been telling stories for a hundred years, and those stories have had a meaningful, positive impact on the world. And one of the reasons that they’ve had a meaningful, positive impact is one of our core values is inclusion, acceptance, and tolerance. And we can’t lose that. We just can’t lose that.”

Really Bob?  You were brought in after your predecessor lost $1.5B in one year in spite of adding more than 12 million subscribers and your remedy is to keep on doing what you’ve been doing while expecting a different result?  

Most sane people refer to such a policy as “insanity.”  

The madman is in charge of the asylum at Disney.  

Or, as I’ve already alluded to, he’s higher than a kite.  

He’s certainly NOT living in reality.  That’s either a mental condition or the product of some sort of hallucinogenic drug.  It’s certainly not what a CEO does when he looks at the numbers Disney’s tolerant, inclusive, “meaningful” stories have been producing at the box office.  

Disney is not a non-profit, activist institution,  Bob. It’s an organization that is known as a “business”.  Businesses generally like to turn a profit, and you’re not doing it with this strategy.  

The strong delusion that God has sent upon Hollywood is a judgment that provides savvy investors with an opportunity to not only build back something better, but profit at it as well.  If you are an accredited investor with $200k or more to invest, please fill out our investor form so we can set up a meeting.