Elon Musk & SNL

By now you know that Elon Musk, the technical genius who has brought us the Tesla and Space X, hosted Saturday Night Live. The cultural elite, as per usual, found reason to be triggered. Most of these triggered elite already work for SNL since staff comedians were told they could get a free vacation day if they didn't want to work alongside someone who is actually successful at working for a living.
When Donald Trump hosted SNL in 2015, it was at least understandable why the liberal elite in NYC would require therapy. In Musk's case, it is not so clear. True, he doesn't feed into the pandemic narrative which is an unpardonable sin in New York City. Worse, he is rich and is not a friend of labor (unpardonable sin #2). Therefore, he must be a colonialist oppressor who probably has designs on third world nations, including crypto-currencies which feature his likeness smoking a big old cigar.
The word on the street, leading up to Saturday night, was Musk was likely to be terrible. And, in truth, his comedy sketches lacked a little something. Musk revealed in his monologue that he has Asperger's, and the writing allotted for it. In spite of themselves the entertainment journalism world is forced to give him kudos for revealing his condition--their post-game critiques are a lot more muted than anyone expected. Who’ll mock a guy with Asperger's? Even if he is a filthy capitalist.
Let's just stop for a moment and consider the source. Saturday Night Live. They haven't been funny in decades. If the only purpose for the show is advancing liberal stupidity, then ok then--mission accomplished. But Saturday Night Live brings controversial guest hosts on the show because their ratings are in the tank. Few people outside of Manhattan care for their brand of humor. If Musk isn't a naturally talented comedian, at least he's much more interesting than woke comedy, whatever that is. Funny thing is, he doesn't even HAVE to be good. He just had to be himself.
Let's face it. Liberals aren't funny. Humor requires a center, and some knowledge of truth in order to parody it. Liberals wouldn't know truth if it appeared in a vision of angels ascending and descending on the ladder of their bunkbed.
The sooner that SNL dies the death the better. If NBC\Universal wasn't so committed to this train wreck it would have gone extinct a long time ago. It COULD be funny, but not with writers constantly towing the kultural line.
Elon exposed SNL for how petty and ridiculous they really are. For that, we at Loor.tv salute him.
After you send him his thank you note, go to LOOR and sign up to invest in something better. We seek investors accredited for $50k or more to help us finish our seed round.