Charity Never Made a Great Film

If you spend any time with directors and producers in Christian film, eventually their socialistic mindset will seep out.
Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

If you spend any time with directors and producers in Christian film, eventually their socialistic mindset will seep out.  

I was reminded of this recently on our private Facebook group, LOOR Founders.  A self-professed Christian filmmaker took issue with a meme my 17-year-old son made which--like most of his memes--attacks crappy Christian film.  

I cannot go into all the trolling this guy jumped into—literally, I cannot—it would be impossible.  Having written some scathing critiques awhile back for Gospel Spam I can assure you that there is a pattern with these folks.  Call it the “Nashville Two-Step.”

Step One: Melt down emotionally.  

This comes with the older generation of creative types.  Socialism is nothing if it’s not characterized by screaming at the sky after a capitalist wins something—like an election.  For such miscreants, social media is a great sky to scream into .  

Step Two: Blame customer loyalty or lack thereof.  

Christian film will improve when everyone who has darkened the door of a church starts supporting Christian film by spending their hard-earned cash on movies they KNOW suck.  They use guilt mongering (“you should care about Christian film and prove it with how you spend your money”).  Here is an example from our troll:

There you have it.  “The bottom will fall out of the business side of the market.”  It has been said by the elites at Christianity Today. Poor Christian film is poor. Money will improve it, therefore, support it. It sounds familiar because it’s the argument made for every public school levy.
Socialism elevates the lowest common denominator in society to elevate the status of the downtrodden.   If we will all just do our part to help the under privileged (in this case, the Christian filmmaker who is not as privileged as Hollywood) then we can all have nice things.  Rich Christiano could have Steven Spielberg's house and Spielberg could live in the kennel.  

Capitalism on the other hand, says that competition is good.  It makes for a better product and with competition in a market that has a heavy demand, the supply will be cheaper.  Theoretically, at least, the producer in question will start cranking out quality content when the Christian community supports his sub-par work.  It’s the ultimate in a participation award—millions of dollars without any evidence that the producer has any real talent.

It’s all based on the myth that you cannot make a quality film unless you have deep pocket investors in a single project (Blair Witch Project?).  Sinful human nature being what it is,   would probably turn into a promise down the road of a better film if you supported several poor films because there’s never enough money.  Which in turn, would make money negating the need to make a better film.

At LOOR we are unashamed capitalists.  We believe that filmmakers can make quality film if they have talent and work hard.  Yes, they require some money.  Our platform will give them the opportunity to raise the amount they need.  The fund raising won’t be based on a non-profit model.  It will be based on the quality of the trailers and pilots they submit for their fundraising.  It will also give them the opportunity to access their audience.  Poor content will not see the light of day on LOOR.  It won’t be streamed because the audience won’t support it.  Filmmakers will HAVE to present their best work or else find something else to do.  

Charity never made a great film in Hollywood.  Capitalism made the great films. Do not adopt liberal thinking as an excuse for poor filmmaking. Be a part of the LOOR.  Partner with us to tell better stories.  

P.S.  We offer opportunities to invest in our seed round for accredited investors for $50k or more.  Put your money where your mouth is.  Invest in your worldview, not Hollywood's.