Build-A-Baby Reveal (EXPOSED, ep. 2)

Last week took out ads on social media to promote their recent EXPOSED episode #2, Build-A-Baby. They even created a website and social platforms to distribute the animated short.
Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Last week took out ads on social media to promote their recent EXPOSED episode #2, Build-A-Baby.  They even created a website and social platforms to distribute the animated short.

The short, animated by [names redacted] and written and directed by Laura Klassen of CHOICE42, has had remarkably good week one traction for a guerrilla marketed project.

At the time of this writing, the two-minute video has been seen more than 19,000 times on socials that had exactly ZERO followers when the video was uploaded.  

And now that it’s being posted on Loor and CHOICE42, we expect those numbers to rise-- dramatically.  You can watch it right here on Loor for FREE.  

As you can see, the reactions have been all over the map.  Some thought it was an ad for a real company, others recognized it was satire.  Some are thankful for the video exposing what really happens at IVF clinics and others are angry that it has been exposed.  

The word of the day is “polarizing”, kids.  

While Live Action wrote an excellent piece on the video, it is obvious from the comments on their platforms that many in the pro-life world aren’t really settled on the issue of life beginning at conception.

It’s no wonder that many pro-life lobbyists and politicians have no problem advocating for Heartbeat Bills.  If you do not believe that life begins at conception--banning abortions only when they have a heartbeat (five-six weeks)--is just fine.

If you DO believe it is human life at conception, these Heartbeat Bills are a travesty of justice.  A travesty that ignores the plight of the millions of embryos in cryogenic storage all around the world.

No wonder people are becoming abortion abolitionists instead of adopting the time-worn “pro-life” monicker.  It’s a far more consistent ethic than what has passed as “pro-life”, a term which has outlived its usefulness.  

Once you watch the video please be sure to read the blog, “You’ve Watched Build-A-Baby. Now What?”.  

And once you’ve done that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Loor so you can help fund and support content that punches back—hard—at this narcissistic culture.