After the Quake
We've been watching some of the news out of Hollywood this week and we have a few observations to bring to your attention.
1. Last year Hollywood lost something like $72 billion and may lose $160 billion in the next five years. The box office numbers say that they are down 80% from last year and the numbers represent a 40 year low. Couldn't happen to nicer people we say.
2. The big distributors recognize that there is a culture shift in the offing. Warner Bros. announced that all of their 2021 films will be released on HBO Max and in the theaters simultaneously (whatever theaters will actually be open). Christopher Nolan is having a hissy fit because he cannot spend $250 million and make as much money in this model. Disney announced that 80% of their new releases are going strictly to Disney Plus and then they announced they will raise subscription fees.
3. Jerry Bruckheimer is selling his swanky digs on Miami Beach. Paramount is not renewing their contract with him.
4. VidAngel's project, "The Chosen", is the hottest property right now in the faith based world. Now they are filming Season Two and have tens of millions of downloads of Season One after one year. They did Season One with no-name actors on a sketchy set but with good writing. That series has single-handedly revived VidAngel and probably had something to do with the sale of Pureflix to Sony.
5. Tom Cruise's secretly recorded meltdown on set tells you all you need to know about the desperate straits Hollywood is in.
If faith based investors have the vision to see the earthquake shaking Hollywood they have a chance to make real money. If they do what Christianity usually does when the world shifts, they'll continue to pretend for five years that they're buying DVD's of the same crappy "christian" films when they're really just streaming the sewer pipe straight out of Hollywood. And if that's what they do, Christian investors will be left behind when the godless pagans come up with something they deem "OK" for us to watch in our Christian ghetto.
We need to schedule a meeting with you if you are an accredited investor ready to invest $50k+ in LOOR's vision. But you will need to be willing to explore different options amongst the ruins left by the earthquake. What is coming is not going to look like what has been, since we're attempting to not just create another Christian ghetto but rather build a model that will change the way all content creation is done so that the world is copying us for a change.
We are not trying to raise the standard. We want to BE the standard. This is the time. LOOR is the place for your investment dollars. Give us a shout.