We Broke LOOR.  Sorry.  

Internal investigations at Loor (thanks HR!) discovered that our tech team was whining about being paid “peanuts” and held an insurrection. Think “Hollywood writer’s strike” for nerds.
Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

It’s Christmas morning. You tumble down the stairs with visions of the latest Call of Duty dancing in your heads, scrambling for the Christmas tree and…..

Zero.  Nuttin’.  Not even a lump of coal.

Well, we hate to admit it, but that’s what happened this morning to our subscribers when they tried to login to spend their Loot.  

Growing pains.  Yes, we are blaming Kirk Cameron!!  Does anyone how where he was this morning?  Bring your receipts, Cameron!!!  (Not really.)

Of course, our wonderful, beautiful, priceless customers hit our Facebook groups, messaging and email to complain of this injustice.  Mea culpa.  

Well not “mea.”  More like “theya.”  

Internal investigations at Loor (thanks HR!) discovered that our tech team was whining about being paid “peanuts” and held an insurrection.  Think “Hollywood writer’s strike” for nerds.  

Apparently they had been complaining in the Zoom meetings, using their best puppy dog faces, but someone had been muting them.  We don’t know who exactly, could have been anyone.  Two words: plausible deniability.

We sent in the strike breakers, complete with fire hoses, brickbats, billy clubs and good old fashioned teargas we picked up at an Army supply store.  It took a few hours (determined little devils) but after a few hours of “aggressive negotiations”, they came to see our point of view.

If the Hollywood studios want some pointers on handling their own present unpleasantness, my email is jon@loor.tv.  

In the meantime, if YOU want help pay the hospital bills for our techies, you can start by subscribing here.  I guess we should pay them something other than peanuts after all.  They should at least get peanut butter.  

The good news?  The Loot system is working again and our subscribers are funding their little hearts out!