The Woke Film\Christian Film Connection

The Church has taught the culture how to evangelize. Since most in the culture don't bother with attending our churches, the way they have learned it is through our films, such as they are.
Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The Church has taught the culture how to evangelize.  Since most in the culture don't bother with attending our churches, the way they have learned it is through our films, such as they are.  

Social justice warriors are following the evangelical film makers example by cranking out sub-par stuff and baptizing streaming services with it.  The (FOURTH season!) Handmaid's Tale is so atrociously bad that even entertainment journalists have recognized that it's time to put everyone out of everyone's misery.  Straw manning evangelicals with dishonest portrayals is bad when liberals do it, just like it’s bad when evangelicals do it with atheistic professors (Kevin Sorbo's character in God's Not Dead, for example).  Yes, the dishonest portrayals play well with people who like propaganda, but it's lousy art.

Propaganda isn't aimed at for the intelligent or discerning among us.  It's simply fodder for deepening the divide in our culture wars.  We serve a King who has a habit of winning wars--He conquered death for crying out loud. Cheap tricks to dishonestly demonize our opponents are unnecessary; we should characterize them as they are--people who are dead in their sins, who believe they are doing what is right in the scope of their conflicted worldviews, who love their kids and their parents and generally want good for others even if it is for all of the wrong, self-important reasons.  Truth sets people free, not our caricatures.  

The Church can do a better.  We can teach this culture how to rightly portray its enemies.  Someone said something about loving our enemies.  In film, that would look like fair characterizations of the belief systems and motivations of unbelievers.  Since culture is downstream from the Church, perhaps our enemies would take a lesson from our lead.  Maybe not.  If they do not, then we can know we have at least been playing fair with how we represent them.  

We are nearing the end of our seed round of investment and continue to seek investors who are accredited for $50k or more.  No investment is too large.  Talk to us.  Let us know if you are ready to do something different in this culture war.