You're in a War

You're in a war. Do you know it?
Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

You're in a war.  Do you know it?

The enemy of your soul--the devil--stalks the earth seeking whom he may devour.  He's also the enemy of your family's souls.  Your spouse.  Your children.  And generations to come.  Your grand-babies and your great-grands.  Hollywood is coming for their souls.

What can you do?

Well, you had better do SOMETHING.  Soldiers who lay down their weapons in the middle of a fire-fight gets you sent home in a body bag.

We know you are smarter than most; that's why you are following our progress.  You have a spiritual pulse and a sense of humor.  You hunger for something different.  You're a disruptor. A reformer. A builder.  

In the battle for your mind and the minds of your kids, your streaming subscription is everything.  It could be a sacrifice.  You might have to give something else up.  You will thank us later.

You could subscribe to a faith based service that streams films that suck and portray Christianity through a stained glass camera lens without any real casualties.

Or you could subscribe to LOOR and build LOOR into the next-generation media machine.