Watch GOTHIX December 19th only on LOOR

We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with the creators of Gothix to bring the documentary to all of our LOOR subscribers on Tuesday, December 19th at 5pm PST!
Gothix is the true documentary about an innovative and charismatic influencer who, just as she is is exploding into popularity, expresses an opinion that she doesn’t know will get her crucified by her peers.
Watch the release announcement and trailer from Director Graeme Wilson here.
If you have not subscribed to LOOR and want to see this documentary, go to and subscribe to the platform using code 'GOTHIX' and you'll be able to watch it on December 19th. If you are currently subscribed, be sure to share this e-mail with your friends and let them know to subscribe as well.
When you use the code GOTHIX you help fund a filmmakers AND you will also get 10% off your first month!
See you all on December 19th!