Thank You from LOOR’s CEO
Three years ago on Memorial Day weekend I was sitting outside and trying to figure out how I could make Christian movies better. I worked for the ad agency that did PureFlix’s social media, and recently my movie Babies Are Still Murdered Here was deleted from Amazon Prime.
I knew there were two problems.
1. Christian streaming platforms only wanted Hallmark style movies and didn’t have courage to create controversial, culturally impactful content.
2. Hollywood would not fund Christian content that mattered or opposed their worldview.
There were two problems all Christian and Conservative filmmakers had--funding and distribution.
“Why not combine both into one streaming platform?” I thought. “What if Kickstarter and Netflix could be joined together.” That would solve the problem!
Thus LOOR was born. It was several months later before we actually started the company. It has been over two years of raising money, talking with film makers and developing the technology until I could say these two words: “We launched.”
Over the past few weeks many of you who have been waiting have subscribed to our platform. We’ve spent nearly 2.5 Million loot on projects unfiltered by Hollywood or Church Ladies.
Now we’ve launched Gold Loot. This allows you to personally fund the movies and TV shows you want to see produced and streamed on LOOR. Think of it as Vbucks on Fortnite but instead of buying costumes, you’re buying movie and television shows the entire family, and the entire LOOR community can enjoy together.
Since we launched Gold Loot over the weekend we’ve already funded an entire episode of The Wild Brothers: Highlands to Island that is now streaming to all LOOR subscribers and future subscribers!
Do you understand how LOOR is changing streaming? Finally, a Christian company has stepped into the streaming space with true disruption.
And none of this could have happened without you guys subscribing first and believing in what we are doing. You guys subscribed to a streaming platform with no content and started funding content. One piece at a time.
There’s still a lot more amazing content to come. Once this first wave of projects is funded, we will drop more higher cost production projects. We will continue to grow LOOR content one piece of woke-free content at a time.
So let me encourage you. If you have not done so already: subscribe, spend loot and begin building the streaming platform that Hollywood will fear the most.
I am so thankful for all of you who have signed up to read these e-mails and join the waitlist.
But the time of waiting is over. The time to subscribe is now.
Welcome to LOOR.