LOOR is coming FOR your family
LOOR is coming FOR your family.
Don't worry. We are not the San Francisco Men's Gay Choir.
What we mean is, we are coming FOR your family. We are with you, dad. We are FOR you and your family.
We want to help you build a defensive wall around your television that will keep the sodomite agenda out of your living room. We want to join you on top of the wall and spill boiling oil all over their heads.
No, they might LIKE that. On second thought, make it boiling tar.
We want to build a platform that might not always be "safe" for every member of your family at any given time--some themes, like demon possession, are scary. You might not support every production available on LOOR, but that's the beauty of it--you can choose how to spend your subscription. Support the content YOU want to see.
The other stuff? You don't have to watch it. We promise. We won't stand in the corner of your living room and MAKE you watch anything. We are not Big Brother (that's why you have Alexa. And Joe Biden.).
We do guarantee that the content you DON'T want to see will still punch back with (at least) an implicitly Christian worldview.
You can bet that "they" are coming for us. We are planning on it. The reinforcements have arrived. Join us as we strike back. Our Facebook Founders group rocks.