Faith-Aligned Animation That Sucks
So, a Tel-Aviv based team is making an animated series called "god's Gang." (Lowercase mine.)

Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
So, a Tel-Aviv based team is making an animated series called "god's Gang." (Lowercase mine.)
It features interfaith superheroes called SumoSlim, TaekwonHindu, NinJew and ChrisCross. They defeat bad guys with powers related to their respective faiths. It is nearly as cringey as it sounds.
Want to fund shows that don't have Christian characters acting like there are many truths when there is, in fact, only one? Maybe a Christian character like ChrisCross who opens a can on SumoSlim?
Join LOOR today. We have "Two by 2", "Bearly Biblical", and other childrens (and not childrens) cartoons in the works. Help build something better.