Asian Actress Attacks The Office

Kat Ahn, a sometimes comedienne in bit performances in film and TV, has taken the low hanging fruit in our cancel culture by trashing The Office for casting her as an Asian office worker who couldn't be identified apart from other Asian office workers by Steve Carrell's character, Michael Scott.
While LOOR does not wish to give her any more undeserved publicity than she has already received over this issue, it IS a good example of an actress appealing to the lowest common denominator in the culture as a way to revive her waning career. Anyone who has appeared once for a couple of minutes on a real, genuinely good show can now go after the obvious target. Everyone--including Ricky Gervais, the creator of The Office--knows it could never be produced in the snow globe full of snowflakes that we call today.
Gervais told The Times of London Radio in July of 2020, "I think now it would suffer because people take things literally. There’s these outrage mobs who take things out of context. This was a show about everything. It was about difference, it was about sex, race, all the things that people fear to even be discussed or talked about now in case they say the wrong thing and they’re ‘canceled.'".
As we have noted elsewhere, our differences are what MAKE comedy funny. As Gervais is saying, the culture's lack of understanding of the point of satirizing a buffoon becomes an exercise in missing the point. In this case, even by the actress who was hired to help make the point is missing said point.
Interesting: her differences are what landed her the bit role on the show. She literally profited by them. The fact that it didn't do much for her career says more about her than systemic racism either within The Office or anywhere else. It seems like a true SJW would not take that gig if it was such a racial slur against her own people. Some things matter more than money; except when they don't.
But, hey! If her griping gets her another one-off gig, more power to her. Everyone has to pay the bills. Unfortunately we live in a time when publicity stunts with all style and no substance get a lot of mileage with sycophants.
However, if you are not groveling for a pat on the head by some Director of Diversity or a woke mob, LOOR wants you as a subscriber or an investor. We seek only backward thinking revolutionaries, people who remember what Western Civilization was founded on and who are willing to shed blood, sweat and tears in order to preserve true art of the past and make great art in the future.