We're at War

The powers that be hate you. They hate Christianity and all that it stands for.
Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

YouTube has announced that they can control whether or not you see "news". Talk about cancel culture! How about a master delete button that wipes out newsworthy content at the whim of some progressive exec?  

In case you missed it, that's exactly what happened during the presidential campaign. The story of Hunter Biden's risky business in Ukraine was brazenly censored by Facebook and Twitter. In so doing, they provided every conservative with a front row seat to what raw, biased censorship looks like in big tech. It's almost as if they don't think there are enough conservatives who care about little things like a free press!

Is that true? Are we more concerned about our own comfort than we are about maintaining our freedom?  

We at LOOR want to take a moment to remind you that we are at war. It is a war for what is left of Western civilization. The powers that be hate you. They hate Christianity and all that it stands for. They will do all they can to silence the progress we make.

Wartime calls for sacrifice. It calls for bold innovation — new technology to bring the fight to the enemy.

Help us wage this war. Join the fight.