The Procedure Has a Cult Following

Across the United States and Canada small groups of believers are going out on the streets handing out QR codes linking to The Procedure, an animated short by and Choice42.
Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

You won’t very often see me use the word “cult” in a positive sense. There’s a first time for everything.

If there are “cult classics” there can be “cult followings.”  Even though it’s only been out since Halloween, The Procedure, a four minute animated short--directed and written by Laura Klassen, voice over by Kevin Sorbo, original score by Aaron Fullan animated by [names redacted], and co-produced by CHOICE42 and Loor--has a cult following.  

Proof?  Across the United States and Canada small groups of believers (true believers, truer than Stan Lee’s true believers) are going out on the streets handing out QR codes linking to The Procedure.  And carrying 18” x 24” color signs featuring the “products of conception” still of Lucy, the little girl who was aborted in this true story of an ultrasound tech who quit after being forced to assist in this second trimester abortion.

Where are they going?  Houses of Parliament in Calgary, Alberta and Winnipeg, MB.  A newspaper and state capitol in Austin, TX.  A neo-con news outlet in Dallas, TX.  In front of CNN in Atlanta, GA.  Fox News in New York City. Downtown Nashville, TN.  Toronto, ON.  Colorado Springs, CO.  Los Angeles, CA.  

Rumor has it that some of these teams and others are going to locations across the US to protest on the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  In spite of Roe’s removal, abortion is still legal in all 50 States.  Most States still allow the version of The Procedure depicted in our short.  All States still allow chemical abortions and even the pro-life States do not prosecute ALL who are involved with these abortions.  There’s much work to be done.  

At Loor, we are pretty pumped up about people who believe enough in a project to spread the word.  It’s what our model is all about—word of mouth advertising.  Social media can go ahead and try to squash the video online.  Now let’s see them try to squelch it in print.  

If you’d like your own business cards with QR Codes you can get them in the USA here or in Canada here.  

If you’d like your own 16” x 24” signage, you can get them in the USA here or in Canada here.  

Be a true, true believer.  Don’t just sit there.  Do something.