Reset Sesame Street
Can you tell me how to get, how to get to the global reset?

Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
Can you tell me how to get, how to get to the global reset?
Grover is apparently on a mission to indoctrinate educate your kids, so they accept the "new normal" and all that socialists want to teach them. Compliant kids make compliant adults. In this link the World Economic Forum will show you how.
If this doesn't clarify the importance of EXCELLENT media that represents a Christian worldview, nothing will. The makers of Sesame Street understand the power they have to involve celebrities in order to spread their propaganda to the nations.
Sorry Sesame Street, the nations belong to King Jesus (Psalm 2). Kids, the word of the day is "DOMINION." As in "LOOR is taking "dominion" over media for the glory of King Jesus."