Matt Walsh’s Indictment of Daily Wire

In a video called “Jennifer Lawrence Proves She is a Narcissistic Idiot”, Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire accidentally indicted his own company for Lawrence-esque idiocy.
It wasn’t intentional. Which only means there is an incredible lack of self-awareness over at the DW.
The video itself is well done and makes excellent points about Lawrence’s self-absorption. I mean, she’s claiming to be the first female action hero, for Pete’s sake.
Sorry Carrie Fisher. Jennifer Lawrence has a time machine.
Maybe Jennifer cannot tell what a woman is? IDK.
Anywho, Walsh goes on to gripe about the fact that Hollywood has been putting females in as action hero leads for awhile now, which does not make sense since men are better equipped to be action heroes.
You don’t say?
Um, Matt? Have you watched or read any of the scripts for the films that Daily Wire has released or announced? They ALL feature female action hero leads. ALL four of them.
I do not disagree with the premise. At all. However, if DW agrees with your premise, then what in the world is DW doing buying up Hollywood scripts that all feature female leads?
It’s cool to have all of the money to do what you want, but if you’re not based in a solid foundation that is at least consistent with your stated values, whatever the heck it is you think y’all are doing over there is doing nothing more than reinforcing the problem.
That’s not how you change culture. It’s just not and I think I could find four or five of your articles or videos that say the same thing.
This is where I am supposed to say I appreciate all that DW has done for conservatism and that they employ good Christian employees as journalists and that there is room for both companies to exist considering the market.
And I agree with all of that. Especially that last bit.
But it’s really, really clear that DW’s content is based more on what scripts are available than any specific plan to change the culture through content and quality of film making. They have no plan.
In other words, DW appears to want to merely be an alternative to Hollywood rather than burning it to the ground and building something else.
Christian film started the same way. It sought to be an evangelistic, wholesome alternative. It did not seek to compete. It never has. The result was predictable. Christian film shouldn’t suck, but sadly, it (mostly) does. They weren’t trying to make something better and it shows.
If IMDb ratings mean anything, DW’s documentaries are pretty good but the films suck. It’s what happens when you strive to be an “alternative.”
Whether DW or Loor succeeds at it or not, we should at least be trying to replace Hollywood. It should be the plan. It is ours, and we have not been shy about saying so. We hope you will come join us on that mission.