Everything You’ve Heard About Film Investing is Wrong

Investing in a film is not a one-off move that can save this dumpster fire we call American culture.
Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

In case you missed Business 101, the idea in business is to spend a little money to make a lot more.

In the past year or so, ads appear on social media claiming they are “gauging interest” for some film project or another.  Following the success of The Chosen, they give the impression that opportunities for the average man exist to crowdfund such projects, but the real goal is to provide data to big money investors to prove a potential audience for the project who in turn write a big check to create the film.  

It’s not a bad strategy if all you want to do is fund a big project with the hope that it will be the Hail Mary play that will rescue the culture from its death throes.  Or if you like spending a lot of money to make a little money.  

Investing in a film is not a one-off move that can save this dumpster fire we call American culture.  Or to make a good return on investment (ROI).  

Want a good strategy?  Invest in a company that is looking to distribute ALL of the films while disrupting and rebuilding how films are made and streamed.  

THAT’S how you disrupt the culture.  Hollywood does not care if Christians create content for those who live in the Christian bubble.  They DO care if Christians build a model to continue real filmmaking and animation that attracts quality content away from their talent pool.  

How are we doing that?  By offering film makers the opportunity to fund and stream their content on the same platform while allowing them to keep their intellectual property at the same time.  

If you don’t think that’s important, ask Dave Chappelle or the estate of The Artist Formerly Known As Prince.  Hollywood is all too happy to ask artists to sell their souls to them and simply hire them to work (for a percentage of the true value of their content).  We offer artists the opportunity to keep their IP, merchandise their product, and stream their film elsewhere once their contract expires with us.  

This arrangement has drawn full length films that have garnered piles of festival laurels, top tier animators, comedians and other creative geniuses so that we now have more than 25 contracts signed with a project value of more than $125 million.  Not counting merchandising value.  

Meanwhile, other streamers brag about SPENDING $100 million in content while we have spent virtually nothing to get it.  

Read that last sentence again and think about what that means if you add merchandising, especially to animated projects.  And then go walk through a COMICON.  

When you have recovered from the sticker shock, fill out our investor form.  We are accepting investors for our Series A round ($500k minimum).