Cut out the Film Execs

Cody Hallford of Hallford Entertainment (Director, Little Notes to Heaven, 2020, streaming on Pureflix) released a podcast recently about his new film, Sage, which will fund and stream on Loor (project page coming soon).
In it, he made a really good point about what it is that Loor does. In his experience as a film maker, he says that what we are doing is essentially cutting out the studio execs. Why? Because when we talked to him about his script and the production process, we told him that we would not seek any creative control over his work. We are giving him (and all of our filmmakers) freedom to love God and make what they want.
In the meantime, the existing faith-based companies do nothing BUT grab creative control. Imagine that. Imagine people who don’t make art demanding creative control of the art. Praise God that none of these jokers were around when Michelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel.
“Hey Mike, I love your skill and passion, but The Last Judgment? Seriously, brother we have to be a little more careful about our messaging. Can’t we call it ‘Everyone Meets Jesus in the Sky?”
That’s about the size of it. And that’s putting it nicely.
So, if you, like Cody, long for your art to be produced unscathed by studio execs, we need to talk. You can start that process by filling out a creator form here.