Church Ladies Have No Sense of Humor

Church Ladies don't understand jokes. Evidence: the reaction to Churchville and LOOR's recent FB posts about canceling various sins with an invite to subscribe.
Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Real quick, here's the dictionary definition of “joke”…

It's pretty clear.

However, Church Ladies don't understand jokes. Evidence: the reaction to Churchville and LOOR's recent FB posts about canceling various sins with an invite to subscribe.

The One That Started It All
And Then We Thought Of This…
Have You Stopped Beating Your Wife?
Just Say No…With Apologies to Nancy Reagan

It could be that they think that a joke is only funny if THEY think it's funny. Which is not how humor works, seeing as humor is subjective.

For example, I don't think gross humor or puns are very funny and yet I understand that these types of jokes exist because some people think they are. I haven't been infected with the brainrot that affects nearly all of American Christianity.

Cure yourself off the brainrot or give yourself an inoculation. Join LOOR today.