A message from LOOR’s CEO…

It seems impossible for small things to become big things. It’s awe inspiring when a magician turns a mouse into an elephant.
But the truth is everything big starts small. And we live in a world where just a few disciples turned the world upside down.
LOOR started as a small idea, and with that idea we’ve raised capital, launched a website and grown our subscriber base, one by one.
We started with no watchable content and now we have nearly 30 episodes of content, all of which were funded by our subscribers. Thanks to the new feature Blitz Mode we even funded every episode of Wild Brothers: Highlands to Island. That’s 21 episodes!
If you have subscribed to LOOR, I would like to thank you. We could not have done it without you!
If you have not yet subscribed, let me clue you in a secret stat.
If everyone on this e-mail list were to subscribe to LOOR today, we could fund one episode of content a week. This is the same pace of new content as most streaming platforms. We know it can be done.
Subscribe to LOOR, watch ALL the content that has been funded, and continue to help us build a streaming platform together as a community. Let’s free the artists of the tyranny of Hollywood and set them free to tell brave stories, for brave people.
So what are you waiting for? Subscribe now and get a week long trial!