$14 a Month?

“I am not sure I want to spend $14 on a service that doesn’t have much content to watch…”
Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I am not sure I want to spend $14 on a service that doesn’t have much content to watch…”

In this consumer-driven culture we live in, it’s understandable.

I mean, who wants to help create content by evaluating projects, spend hard earned money to help film them, and actually make something—other than producers?  

Isn’t that what made America great—a society that produces nothing and consumes goods and services that’s either from China or China-approved?  

Isn’t it more fun to doom-scroll through screens and screens of crap that you have no personal investment in and only occasionally watch?  

I can see your point as the child of an America that once actually made things like steel, automobiles, clothing, toys and toasters that lasted more than six months.  All of that is just nostalgia.

Yeah, we could drop the cost and make the process to fund films, documentaries and TV series an eternity in length—but we prefer to market to people who find value in creating and not just consuming.  We prefer to give the consumer a hand in creation.  

If that’s not for you, that’s fine.  We get it.  You should probably unsubscribe from this email list.  I hear PureFlix is taking low-ball subscriptions. You should probably go there.  No hard feelings.  

But if you want to build something better, you should SUBSCRIBE NOW.