Refried Previews

I went to a movie yesterday and I’ve been thinking about the previews ever since. I don’t make it to the theater as often as I would like, and every time I go I’m reminded how much I love it!
Of the six previews, though, four were sequels or reboots. And I was sitting in the theater watching a sequel. Hollywood has lost its nerve. It’s not because there are not creative people. It’s because creativity takes courage.
Hollywood has retreated to the formulaic because it is risk-averse. I get it. Making movies is expensive. Taking risks on unknown quantities makes executives sweat, and they aren’t confident in their deodorant. But many of the great stories were considered risks at the time.
Here at Loor, we often say that Christian movies shouldn’t suck. We believe that wholeheartedly. But here’s the thing, we also know that giving creative freedom to producers is risky. There might be failure in the execution. There might be a misjudgment. Any number of things could go wrong. But I can tell you what won’t happen. A risk-averse executive won’t force the story to conform to a marketing strategy. A 19 year old Social Justice Warrior won’t convince an executive that an actor is too [fill-in-the-blank-with-the-issue-du-jour] and needs to be replaced with a less talented but politically correct puppet.
At, we are fully prepared to let the creators have the freedom to live and die by their talent and ingenuity, and we believe that they should be compensated for the value that they bring to people’s lives. That’s a risk that we believe is worth it. And if an artist fails, we only hope that we can help them fail forward, so their next project is better.
Hollywood is busy refrying stories. We are ready to take risks with artists. Sign up for our Creator list here.