Christian Films Suck

Our tag line is, "Christian Films Shouldn't Suck." Our LOOR Founders, a rowdy bunch, chants this war slogan with pride before they storm off to battle.
Image courtesy of Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Our tag line is, "Christian Films Shouldn't Suck." Our LOOR Founders, a rowdy bunch, chants this war slogan with pride before they storm off to battle.  

Those who wish to assign some level of perversion to us because we say that Christian film shouldn't suck aren't being honest.

The Word "Suck"

The word is a beautiful word for rogue co-conspirators.

Of course, all words have figurative meanings: either slang or coarse language.  Consider the usage in modern American English of the North American slang term.  That term is defined: "Be disgraceful or repellant, slang (chiefly N. Amer.)" (The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles.  Ed. Lesley Brown, emphasis mine).  

Christian films are disgraceful AND repellant.  The writing is stilted.  Production values are horrible.  The acting usually features some washed-up Hollywood B-lister who is recognizable to the audience that Christian film targets: the Hallmark crowd.  

Burn It All Down

This is your invitation to burn down the establishment.  

The establishment in Nashville, TN, Albany, GA, Salt Lake City, UT and Hollywood likes you (evangelical) as you are: complacent and easily manipulated.  You are a number in their analytical tool and they will continue to crank out crap for the majority.  

If you have had enough, and have a pitchfork and a torch handy, join us at our LOOR Founder's group.  It's time to storm the castle.  

If you have not had enough, then there's some multi collagen protein for sale on TBN this week