But WHY Do They Suck?

On a Facebook group for Christian film, someone asked why Christian films are so mediocre compared to secular films.
In other words, they wanted to know why some Christian films suck? Not to put too fine a point on it.
I’m not one to keep my opinions to myself in such an environment, so I made a list. What follows is probably not a complete list and each one could take a separate blog post to explain. If this list helps some Christian filmmaker in a church basement somewhere, I will count it worthwhile.
The List (in no particular order):
- Ridiculous rules placed on the filmmakers by funders and distributors.
- Bad writing.
- Bad acting.
- Too much film school.
- Poor production value.
- Filmmakers trying to be preachers or evangelists instead of artists (all Christians are evangelists, but your pastor is not the next Spielberg).
- Formulaic writing.
- Poor Christian fiction in book form.
- Fear to show life as it is, with its sin (which the Bible does).
- Marketing to the Hallmark crowd.
- Distributors who don’t care about quality.
- Audiences who tolerate crap because it’s Christian.
- Bad theology.
- Non-profit attitude to the craft.
- Fear of success.
- Pietism.
- Poor work ethic.
- Agents, lawyers and publicists who don’t let talent hear about roles that are quality because they (agents, lawyers and publicists) want more money. If it won’t cover their monthly payment on their Benz they’re not interested.
- Unions.
- Lack of taste.
You may or may not agree with any number of these issues. We hope it starts a conversation. Specifically, if you are a filmmaker with a vision for something better, we want to talk to you. We’re talking to a lot of people these days.